Having Anxiety, OCD, Depression- It gets better!

This is a video about my experience with anxiety, OCD and depression. With the right treatment, I was able to get better! There was a time when I was really scared that I would always be in pain. I couldn’t see the possibility of things getting better.. I wanted to make this video for people who are in that place… I wanted to tell you that recovery is possible and life can be beautiful! ā¤ You can have wonderful relationships and a successful career! šŸ™‚ LOVE YOU and enjoy the video! XO Rachel

6 thoughts on “Having Anxiety, OCD, Depression- It gets better!

  1. Amazing post! And it certainly does get better. I have OCD and it used to take over my life before but I have toned it down so much now.


  2. Thank you so much for making this video! I’ve been really struggling with wondering if I’ll ever get through my anxiety lately and this video really helped! I especially like when you talk about how we’re not damaged, etc. There are so many people that treat us differently because they’re under the impression that there’s something wrong with us, etc.

    I was wondering if you could give me the link of the Not Ashamed website. I don’t have Facebook or any other social media accounts so I can’t find it that way. Thank you so much!


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