Will Anyone Love Me With This Mental Illness?

It’s scary when you’re about to tell someone you’re dating that you have a mental illness.

“Can you pass the bread?”
“Um, ya… and.. I have depression!!!”

Awkward! Just kidding. But it is funny to find that “right” time to be like, “Surprise!” Well- maybe don’t start with surprise… Anyway- in the past I was apologetic when I told serious boyfriends about it. I shared that I had to take medication but said I didn’t want to (then I didn’t realize that I HAVE to) and if they said ignorant things about mental illness later I tried to agree and follow their lame advice (BAD idea) Always follow your doctors advice, even over Prince Charming! (Had boyfriends encourage me to go off meds, that mental illnesses weren’t real.. UGH!) 

BUT once I made peace with the mental illness and found an amazing psychiatrist that made me realize I was STRONG for staying with treatment, NOT weak and that depression was not a character flaw but an illness, I presented “the talk” differently to the last few people I was in relationships with. I was like, “I have this- I have to take medication- it’s not a big deal – this is who I am.”

I had to love myself first, mental illness and all… I had to be like, “Hey- I have so many other wonderful qualities – someone would be lucky to be with me- depression (anxiety, OCD) and all. Take me or leave me!”

Your lovie dovie is NOT your therapist, psychiatrist, best friend etc. They are your lovie dovie! Yes, you can be honest, share and lean on them about certain things but you can’t always be The Leaning Tower of Pisa. You need to be the Eiffel Tower. You need to let them be The Leaning Tower of Pisa sometimes! 

If you feel unlovable because of your mental illness, try to make a list of wonderful qualities you can bring to a relationship. You deserve love. You are worthy! What can you bring to a relationship?

Also, I believe everything has two sides. I think I bring more compassion, sensitivity, passion, joy, care, strength, and creativity to my relationship because of the mental illness. The mental illness gives me MORE to bring to the relationship! Such different thinking then when I was a little chick.

Imagine the person you’d like to be with. What qualities do they have? Now try to have those qualities yourself! It will help attract the kind of person you are looking for. 

Happy endings! I’m engaged to the love of my life, my best friend, my soulmate… We’ve been together four years and it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy! When I told him about the depression and anxiety he was like, “Ok! Wanna have pasta tonight?” (Boys- always thinking about food! JK) He didn’t really say that exactly- He was just compassionate and listened but also was like, “Ok, well, I love you so.. whatever!” Love is bigger than ANYTHING. Love wins! πŸ™‚ 

Love is on its way to you! Believe it. Say the affirmations, “A wonderful partner is on their way to me.” “I deserve love and care.” A book that helped me believe that is, “Meeting Your Half Orange” (not affiliated with them- just love the book)

Are you in a relationship? Do you want to be? It’s also OK to be alone, too! (sometimes better) It’s also so important to be strong and content on your own and not look for a partner to “fix” things. In relationships it’s important to be independent and have friends and a vibrant community in your life as well! The relationship will flourish more if you are flourishing independently! 

Although Disney movies may tell us differently, there are so many sources of joy in this life besides romantic love. We can have a full, joyful complete life without a relationship as well! 
Those are the thoughts for today. Yes, you are super lovable. Yes, it gets better. So. Much. Better.

Big love, Rachel

119 thoughts on “Will Anyone Love Me With This Mental Illness?

  1. I love this post! My anxiety has taken over everything, and one thing that I am always worried about is relationships because I am terrified of them. I don’t know why exactly or what is so scary about them but they are super hard for me. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever end up with someone or get married. I hope I do one day and I hope I can overcome the fear that has taken over.

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    1. Hey girl! Some people don’t want to be married and I think in our culture we push people towards that and make it out to be the ultimate source of happiness- I think (if you want to be married on day) it is a fantastic adventure and wonderful to have a partner, but it’s not the “one source of eternal joy” that we make it out to be. We need to have lives full of joy and there are so many sources of that (helping others, creative projects, meaningful work, good friends etc) that being said, don’t fear not ending up with someone if that is what you want. You are smart, wise (so wise for your age) beautiful and so strong because of all the challenges you’ve faced/face now. When anxious thoughts or fears about relationships come up, maybe try some affirmations like “I know I’ll find the right person at the right time.” “I am lovable” “people with anxiety have awesome relationships and marriages, too” that’s what I did! Proud of you, girlie! Xo

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  2. So glad you found your way through the relationship maze to someone accepting and loving. It’s true that you need to be ok with and loving of yourself (however you feel you are) to work best with others. x

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      1. Oh man! I had many failed relationships before this forever-one, but I like to think that they all prepared me for this one. YES! THERE IS HOPE! πŸ™‚ They were all learning experiences! Before I met my lovie, I would say in my head “I know the right person is on their way.” “I deserve love and care.” Sometimes we picture ourselves being alone forever (I used to) but we don’t picture the opposite enough- ending up in a strong, happy, relationship!:)

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    1. Thanks so much! I think when we are doing well on our own it opens up our heart for love to come to us πŸ™‚ I definitely lean on my fiancΓ© sometimes and he leans on me- we both help each other- but we both are independent and strong on our own as well. This makes for a very healthy relationship. He brings me so much happiness but he is not my happiness alone. That is too much pressure for someone to handle! :-/ There are so many sources of joy in the world:-) besides romantic love:-)

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  3. My Dear Rachel, am coming to Your blog following Your kind Like to one of my comments in another site. Thanks for that.

    As regards this post of Yours, Of course, as You say, mental Illness is just another illness. In Most cases it is not even permanent, like a Spinal Injury.

    At the same time, having been a Borderline Depressive, (A Burn out case) myself, learnt quite a few things. One Important thing is that ‘We do not reveal our Intimate Details’ So easily. Funnily, etiquette says that We do NOT speak of our (physical) illnesses. Then WHY speak of our mental ones?

    When there is a serious commitment like a Marriage, both sides would be wise to share deeply. Yet it has to be slow and through stages.

    It is Quite OK to share these on the net, though! It does encourage many.

    Hearty Regards to You, and Love!


    1. You’re so welcome! I was very slow at sharing and I don’t think one needs to say every detail at the beginning- especially because mental illness doesn’t define who I am so there was so much other great stuff to share! It’s been four years and we have a very open relationship style:-) it’s great! I think some people’s depression may be situational, but for many it is a chronic illness that needs lifetime treatment.

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  4. Great post, very encouraging for those of us with mental illness! I wrote about this same topic in my post, ON HIS PLAN FOR YOUR MATE, the more awareness of mental illness, the less stressful it will be for us and the less scary it will be for those that love us! Thanks for sharing!

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  5. Hello there, I too had my period of “depression” when I got out of the army. Went to a psychiatrist, they gave me meds, but really at the end for me, and IΒ΄m just talking for me, I know for each person is different, well for me it just didnΒ΄t work. So I got another illness instead called alcoholic. And after another near death experience and being in the ICU for 18 days, well I got rid of that one too.

    What I see in this post is that it seems that you attach yourself maybe too much to guys. I know that saying be a strong and independent woman is hard for some people, itΒ΄s easier said than done.
    I just wanted to share a quote from the great (drum roll) ta ta ta Einstein ! ” If you want to live a happy life tie it to a goal not to people or things ” I actually found those words quite fitting for what I was doing and why it was working for me.

    Hope everything is going better, and I know depression can be a bitch, but there are worst mental illness around. YouΒ΄ll do good.

    Interesting blog, nice that you share your experiences and bring awareness to the subject.

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    1. Wow! You’ve been through so much and come out so strong! Thanks so much!!! I used to attach to much to guys but now I’m very happy independently within my relationship. I had long periods of being strong and single which is very important. Yes!! We are all different and need unique treatment -I’m really glad talk therapy works for you! πŸ™‚


      1. I had a pretty rough life, but I did choose it tough so I have nobody to point fingers at but me.
        Glad youΒ΄re doing fine, and you know one treatment that works very good for me? Writing. ItΒ΄s has become like air for me, canΒ΄t live without it. Or probably could live but IΒ΄d go nuttier and off the rails again. It keeps me focus plus I love it, even if itΒ΄s bad. Which is strange since everything I write then I re read it and I think that not even Shakespeare could have done it better. πŸ˜‰

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      2. Hi Charlypriest, I too started writing four weeks ago after a stopping for nearly a decade. It was difficult at first and still feel overwhelmed sometimes as to how to simply jot down my thoughts, but like you I’m realizing I can’t do without it now, it does keep my focused and help untangle the mess in my head. Cheers!

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      3. So glad you guys are writing and putting the chaos on the page! I feel the same way. Sometimes I have to set a timer to write because I avoid doing it- once I sit down with the 30 min timer I end up getting in a flow and doing more. Excited to read your stuff guys! Xo


      1. You are so welcome, Rachel. When I see a woman who will not back down from fear, I admire that woman!! That would be you. FYI … Niki sent me over here. And I am SO glad she did. I hope you see the magic I captured while in a creek bed over at Petals. This is what Mother does for me … She allows me in so deep that even I am amazed.
        Bless you for being who you are!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❀

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    1. Thanks so much! Oh wow! I feel like it’s rare to find people who love all of them!!! All four! Whoooo!!! Thanks for your kind words! I really appreciate it. Yes- I face who I am and try to accept myself, imperfections, quirks, gifts and all.

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  6. I loved this post. I wanted to bring up an interesting side topic but related to this. I used to work in healthcare of the elderly and did home care as part of it. I learned that different cultures and different races are different about their feelings of etiquette and tradition about discussing any illness with their family.
    I had clients that always told every detail of their physical illness to their family. They would call their sons and daughters all the time to update them and the children would ask questions of the doctors etc.

    In other households the elderly person told me that I should not say anything to the son about their condition, their illness it any recent changes in the illness. They said that in their culture and in their family it was not appropriate to disclose information about illnesses.

    So if there are major differences between families and cultures about talking about physical illness, there must also be differences about telling family members and loved ones ..like partners…about mental illness.

    It is just something I found interesting and I noticed you had one comment from someone that said “we do not talk about physical illnesses” . The people that grew up that way were taught that it was not proper to do that.

    It is easy to assume that things are the same for all colors and cultures of people. Even dynamics within the family are different but the overall cultural and / or religious upbringing is very powerful.

    I loved your post and I agree that people should be able to be open about their illnesses and mental illnesses. My family is not that way. It is considered being a baby.

    If I do ever get into another partner relationship, I want it to be someone that understands my mental illness and psychological trauma. I see no point to a partner relationship in which I have to hide my feelings and thoughts ir pretend and put in a mask. I would rather be alone.

    I think maybe I will write a post about this topic now that I am thinking about it…

    Much love,
    Annie ❀

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    1. Annie! You are so thoughtful and wise. I would love to read a post on your blog about this. It’s interesting that you brought up culture in this context. I love how open my immediate family is (can say anything to my mom) and friends I have from other cultures are often shocked about how open we are about everything. Lol! As far as my relationship with my fiancΓ©- he knows about the depression/anxiety/OCD and is super supportive and talks things out with me if I need an ear or a big hug- but I don’t tell him every detail about everything because although my illness is part of me, I don’t define myself by it— and I find not talking about it can help me feel defined by other things- that being said- my partner is incredibly supportive and I could tell him anything IF I felt like I needed too- he knows past pains and struggles- sometimes I’ll be like “I think my anxiety is making me see this situation wrong” and he’ll be like “oh ya-you have nothing to worry about” he loves my creativity, imagination, dark and light worlds within me- and I adore and love him – or who he is (and no one is perfect!) many friends in relationships (without mental illness) talk about how everyone has “crap” and “baggage” we are all learning how to have healthy, successful, independent (not co-dependent) relationships. I find because of the history with depression etc I almost have over compensated and am extra at ease in the relationship! We all just have find that right person that adores us for who we are as whole person! πŸ™‚ loved reading your thoughts!


  7. Great post. In truth, I do not know how I would react if someone I loved came to me with a mental illness. I am just not sure how I would react.


    1. Well- I think it could look like many, many different things, you know? And so many people get treatment and then live normal, full successful lives with great relationships. Thanks for your honestly and for reading! πŸ™‚

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    1. Thanks so much for reading! πŸ™‚ I’m so sorry your friends daughter is struggling- I’ve been in that place where it seems so impossible that things will get better. I hope the daughter can see some light soon and know things can get better. I’m so sad that she is in the midst of a profound struggle. You’re all in my thoughts and prayers!


  8. Rachel, Got a chance to start down the right side of your page as it presents on my screen. Blogs like yours are very important and entertaining! I got a kick out of throwing into dinner “depression” and the side dishes “anxiety etc) I’m also excited for you that you found a man who accepts and loves you how you are and handles it so well!! My comment is really for would be readers that have not found their soulmate. I respect much John’s comment above! Very honest and very representative of many guys/gals. My personal experience has been utter surprise of how ignorant people still regarding this subject. I’ve got a few years on you and looking back, I see that unless an explanation comes due in the first three months, that it usually did not help bringing it up. Now, I might even assume that one feels a responsibility as well. It is a major part of who they are and the one they’re dating should know. Right? Also, it may be important to see how they respond. Right? You know, let’s just get it over with? If they see you with red flags waving around you, and they see their aunt who went nuts across from them and how their uncle suffered, and things change. We might be tempted to say- well at least we weeded that guy/gal out when he/she stops responding to calls or treats you as if the were walking on eggshells. Of course all our experiences will be different, and being a man there seems to be an added element, but I find it much better to wait awhile unless asked. You made it so clear that people should treat it more like a physical problem. Let’s say it was crones disease that was currently under control or a huge ugly scar running down our back or even controlled diabetes. Would we give so much importance to giving the other, “the head up”? Or would we focus on really communicating our interests, our passions, our beliefs. And listening to who they are. And would we not just focus on the here and now? As time passed I gave it more and more time, because I wanted to know if I even liked the person. Usually, I did not find the qualities that I was looking for. And the few times that I did, I think that I made the mistake of diverging information that they had no background knowledge for. And red flags came up and pressure came down. And I seriously believe that if our relationship had advanced further, the words “mental Illness or brain injury or seizure” would not have meant so much. When you love someone, it is very easy to accept a difficult thing. Love takes time to develop, if time has not passed it usually is more infatuation. (unromantic view) And as you say your illness brings forth many qualities, otherwise, absent. I’m actually speaking to me, not you. Luka, you are not your illness. People don’t like to take much on, until they have the motivation. Let the motivation be the great person you are and sometimes to let them see it, we do not need to label much of anything! Peace Joy. Luka.

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    1. Very thoughtful reply! I totally agree that it’s better to have a potential mate get to know you FIRST.
      (When I say “you” in the next parts I’m speaking to everyone) πŸ™‚
      If on a first date you are disclosing tons of intense, personal information, the person may see that instead of who you really are- which is an awesome person who happens to have an illness. Also, your mate’s job is to be the love of your life- NOT your counselor, your saving grace, your psychiatrist etc You can share things with you mate, they can help sometimes and it’s good to be honest but be balanced and share problems with best friends, support groups, and therapists. You mate can’t be responsible for keeping you afloat- you have to have that team and a strong community as well or your partner may feel overwhelmed.
      I also think the delivery of telling your partner about the mental illness is key. I’ve been happy and stable for years on great medication- yes, I get sad sometimes, and I worry too much, my thoughts can be too intense for my liking- but I’m strong on my own. So when I told him about the depression/anxiety I was light and short and sweet. I didn’t have to go into every detail — and as we became more and more close I shared more. If you share about the mental illness like it is the worst thing ever and your about to have a break down it can be too much for a person. Having dated people with mental illnesses that they wouldn’t get treatment for, I know that it can be so much to take on as a partner.
      Luka- someone awesome who loves you for who you are is on their way! Have you read the book “finding your half orange” it helped me a lot. I think having faith that someone is on their way and will be there when the time is right is so helpful.
      Also- write down what you would like in a mate and then become that person! πŸ™‚ thanks for your great thoughts! I totally get them!

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  9. Hi Rachel! Loved your post, I have the PTSD thing.. it’s always been a huge barrier for me in my dating life, these days I’ve just given up on all that to focus on myself. I like how you wrote about it and made it seem normal, because it is to most of us and for that I give a huge thank you!:) oh and thanks for following me!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So glad you related to the post! I think how we see ourselves and look at the mental illness affects who the other person sees it- we have to see ourselves as capable of being in an awesome relationship first- and see ourselves as a great partner or spouse! Happy to follow you! 😊😊😊😊 awesome to connect! Keep rocking! Great blog!


    2. Also I have never met a normal person! Lol we all have crap, baggage and issues! Not just people who have a mental illness:-) i prefer wacky people over normal any day!! Hahaha but yes- totally – it’s our normal !! Now off for a 20 min run! Hahaha

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    3. The ptsd thing is very hard. But we should definitely be knowing that we are valuable and great people to get into relationship with, or forget it. But I’ve had to be realistic. “Girls do just want to have fun!” in many ways and I’m not a barrel of fun. My nervous system is always on guard in unstructured social places unless I feel completely confident in surroundings. In my case, PTSD cut the field down to a little piece unless I drink and hear “you seems so normal when you drink! Do you ever get drunk? Well, the answer is NO not really but my liver says enough and drinkers bore me. Fact is I need and deserve a very empathetic and patient person who thinks outside the box. It’s just the way it is. No settling on the status quo that won’t have long term patience and empathy. I still have much to give. She is out there.

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      1. Dude- she is so out there! All my friends would rather watch Netflix and have deep talks then go out drinking! She’s on her way!!! I love how you realize you have so much to give regardless of the thought stuff you’ve been dealt. I think that realization and self acceptance/ love is so important before and during the relationship! πŸ™‚

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      2. Thank you for noticing my comment, I agree that there is someone out there who will accept it, and your right- it shouldn’t be such a big deal, it doesn’t change who we are as a person. I can tell you from experience it happens when you least expect it, I had my heart broken so I gave up to be honest. Keep on trucking brotha she’s out there somewhere!!

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  10. Dear Rachel, So excited to explore your blog. You are the voice of a new generation, and I’m proud of you for what I’ve seen here.

    I could write so much in response to this post. Let me just say, I am a 63 year old who has been with my husband since 1970. It is not only possible, it is wonderful to find that soul mate. He has seen me through bouts of depression, mania, hysteria, commitment phobia, unresolved childhood abandonment issues, mood swings, menopause…just to name a few highlights. We have survived it all. We are retired now, getting to know each other again after career, family, relocations, etc.

    I wish you well with all of your projects. You will do so much good here. ☺ Van

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    1. Wow—- well, YOU are such an inspiration to me- showing the possibility of a long, supportive, forever marriage through it all! I’m getting married next summer and I can’t wait to marry my best friend/soulmate!!! I wish you so much love and happiness, too, Van! Thanks so much for your support! It’s scary to come out of the shadows and be like “hi – mental illness is ok.. I’m not what you think” but the more of us that do it the more things will change!!! Love!!!

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      1. It’s a process on the awareness/stigma thing. Baby steps. My daughter has inherited some of my family’s issues with depression. She gave up a corporate job to teach yoga…in NYC. She, like you, is part of the generation that may make a difference. She is very open about it, in a way I could never have been back in the day. Onward….☺

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  11. Depression was seen as weakness throughout most of my life.
    My hope is that your generation turns this point of view around.

    So many people who have battled depression, have made great contributions to the world and are excellent parents. Thanks!


    1. Ricky can probably relate to this. A few weeks ago, I’m walking across a busy intersection. It is one of my few trips outdoors in weeks. A skateboarder cruises by me. He’s ducked down and the guy making a right can’t see him across several lanes of stopped traffic. He seems to speed up not slow down as he makes contact with the boy. The boy is town 30 plus feet in the air completing two and a half summersaults and land on his hip area. He manages to break the fall enough at least to get up and start moving around. I find myself very calm, taking stock of the whole situation. One car stops and the person is very shaken up. Her voice is quivering as she calls nine 11. The driver is also a mess and talking on and on. I get the boy to sit down and stay still. Everything seems so slow and natural. The ambulance comes. I hear the driver tell the correct story and witness #2 give the same story. I feel no need to get involved. The ambulance gets there and takes the boy away. Now everybody is gone and I feel a return to my hypo-alert self. Now I feel myself in fight or flight. I walk around the neighborhood and decide to walk 3-4 miles where I know they took the kid. I see ambulances and commotion and again I feel all calm. Everybody is pacing halls. I get to talk with the kids friends and tell then that I was the guy in the cross walk with “his name” and that I want you to tell him that he’ll be ok. I then that their young friend looked like a wide receiver getting blindsided on concrete. And that their young friend is tough and agile and had angels with him. (It had been confirmed no head trauma or at the time, no serious injuries) They acknowledged me as they guy who sat ned to him. They seemed to relate to me as one of them. What’s the point? The point is that for PTSD people in times of serious upheaval, we sometimes get calm and act in very positive ways in a situation that demands real focus. As my therapist says “there are treasures in the trauma”. Now I may be found the next day in a donut shop zoned out and have to deal wit bullies telling me “to wake-up”. Or I may be seen crying for no reason and be looked at as a baby. Or I may wake-up little kids screaming in a nightmare and be told to stop it that I’m frightening the kids; when in fact, I am inconveniencing an adult. My supports have come from the least likely of places and those who have added to my misery, from the least expected places. PTSD I imagine can bring the greatest woman to the survivor from the strangest of places. Have hope Ricky! And I will too.

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  12. Hi Rachel, thank you for subscribing to our blog, http://www.twoshadesofyellow.com
    Marie and I decided to start blogging to reach out to people like us, us with the past and hope that the readers find strengths and comfort.
    I have to admit, I’m so happy you found us first. I admire you being such a strong person as you are and to so many of us! Your journey has certainly lifted my spirit this morning. It’s so wonderful to see one overcome with such circumstances and become the better version of themselves without regret. I realized that everyone has something going on within themselves and it’s up to us to do something about it. I too, went through some rough patches in the past and I’m so thankful for the journey it has taken me. I’m able to stand on my own and embrace my flaws and most importantly, here I am helping others.
    I’m look forward to reading more of your wonderful writings.
    Stay you & congratulations on your engagement πŸ™‚


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    1. Love your blog !! You two are the cat’s pajamas! I’m also a coffee lover! I haven’t had any yet this morning and I’m surprisingly able to form words still lol !! Must. Make. Coffee.. You are so wise to know that those rough patches propelled you and allowed you to have even more ability to help and reach others. Such a gift to read your sweet note this morning! Much love!


  13. Hey Rachel, I like your post. I can’t relate to having to tell that part about myself just yet, but I totally relate to the need of being independent and content with myself before I can be in a healthy relationship. My psychologist calls it being married to myself…and guess what, I’m now engaged to myself! πŸ˜€ The last entry on my blog is about this: a major shift in my life and one of the main ingredients is loving myself πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing and have a good one!

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  14. Every time when I surf around on your blog, Rachie, I come to think of The Little Prince, the leading character in a famous novella written by Antoine de Saint-ExupΓ©ry.

    Have you read that book (entitled “The Little Prince”)?

    I’m pretty sure you’d like, and enjoy, to meet that little boy.

    He seems to be your soulmate, at least kind of. Please, correct me if I’m wrong.

    Read more about this favorite novella of mine here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Prince .

    And here you’ll find some inspiring quotes from that same novella, https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/2180358-le-petit-prince .

    My own favorite quote is this one, β€œThe most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”

    I think you as well could have said that same sentence.

    Tell me, what’s your favorite quote from that novella, Rachie?

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  15. That question is always on the back of my mind and I avoid telling others about my illness. It’s not that I don’t have self-confidence but I hate it when others view me for my depression instead of my personality. The illness does not define me, my characters and beliefs shape who I am. πŸ™‚

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    1. Exactly! You are so much more than that- it’s one part— as you get older more people are educated and understand that it has nothing to do with your character and that you can have an awesome, successful life and healthy relationships. You can have love and love is so much bigger than anything! Keep rockin!

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      1. It’s a part of who I am but it doesn’t define me. There are other factors and qualities that shape who I am. Looking back, I am thankful for those experience cause I learn more about myself.

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      2. β€œWhen you are truly inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project… your mind transcends its limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world! Then those dormant forces, faculties and talents inside you become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Patanjali

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      3. So true! You have grown because of the pain and the difficulty- it has given you gifts as well. Yes- it’s part of you but not who you are and doesn’t define you. And it’s nothing to be ashamed about ☺️

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      1. These posts are the best! The ones that truly scare you are great, because there are so many others out there with similar experiences, but may be afraid to seek help.

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  16. Rachel I’m so happy for you that you found love😊😊😊😊 YayπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
    I’m putting all that on hold bc I need to love myself more and just get more ground under my feet, and I am raising a teenage daughter. Good luck with your musical!!!!

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    1. My mom found super duper love the 2nd time around when we were teens (not saying to now, just saying great people are out there for when you are ready) my stepdad is the best!!! ❀️❀️❀️ the book “meeting your half orange” helped me find my sweetie pie! I also put up a sign that said “I deserve love and care from an amazing man” or something cheesy like that! Hahah

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